Robot Wars on Dave from 2nd August

Posted 15 years ago by admin

Repeats of Robot Wars Extreme (Series 1) will start to air on the TV channel Dave from Monday 2nd of August 2010. Starting at 9am, the episodes will be repeated at 2pm and 6pm (and an hour later respectively on Dave Ja Vu).

From the Dave website: "Home-made robots slogging it out in an arena - the aim, to destroy the opposition and land the ultimate accolade, to be the winner of Robot Wars. Let the mayhem begin!".

More information on the show and when it is scheduled to air on Dave can be found on Dave's website.

Tune in Monday 2nd of August, 9am/2pm/6pm to catch the first episode!

UPDATE 23rd October 2010:

Dave has changed when it shows Robot Wars, please see this blog post for more information!