Presenting lineup for new series of Robot Wars has been announced - 9 years ago
Following on from the announcement that the BBC is bringing back Robot Wars in 2016, the presenting lineup for the new series has been revealed. Craig Charle...Robot Wars gets new series, will air on BBC 2 in late 2016 - 9 years ago
The BBC has announced that a new series of Robot Wars will be airing in 2016. The rebooted series will feature a "bullet proof" arena. Presenting l...Roaming Robots rebrands as Robot Wars - 12 years ago
Live event organiser Roaming Robots has announced that from their next event at the Mountbatten Centre in Portsmouth on the 16th and 17th of March 2013, they w...Antweight Wiki Updates - 13 years ago
The Antweight Wiki has been updated with several new pages, including a guide to 3D printing, armour and speed controllers. Want more news? You can now follo...Website and Wiki Back Online! - 13 years ago
The main website and the Antweight Wiki should now be fully back online. Everything has been offline for a couple of weeks while our webserver was rebuilt, but...Antweight Wiki Updates - 14 years ago
The Antweight Wiki received a major update today, including a new theme and features including user registration and profile pages. Hopefully these changes wil...Happy New Year! - 14 years ago
A Happy New Year from Team Bobblebot! Stay tuned for updates from us in the new year.- Browse the archive for older updates »

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- No events have been posted.
Robot Wars may have finished, but Live Events are held all year round by organisations such as Roaming Robots, Robots Live and RoboChallenge.
Information was correct at time of publishing, we do our best to ensure it remains up to date. Are you running a live event? Tell Us.